LeTip Silicon Valley is holding a Business Mixer Tuesday June14th with special guest Mike Aguilera who will talk about: "Get More Yeses¦get more people to take action!" His talk has been called "Master the Art of Rapport, Get the Results You Desire."
Mike Aguilera has appeared on ABC, NBC, Comcast, Inc. and is known as a master communicator. He claims to be able to teach one to connect with anyone in 90 seconds. Member Kathy Burgett, from KB Fitness, says about his talk: "Mike will dramatically improve your relationships and really improve every area of your life and you will get more yeses."
LeTip Silicon Valley is a local chapter of the national LeTip leads group. This chapter holds regular meetings to help business owners to get more business. They meet every Tuesday morning at 7:16am at the Denny's in Campbell on 2060 S Bascom Ave, Campbell, CA near the Pruneyard. Once a quarter they hold Business Mixers, sometimes with special guests like Mike Aguilera. LeTip is unusual for an organization as they only allow one person per business category to join their meetings. They have a current list of members and their categories at their website www.letipsiliconvalley.com
LeTip International is the world's largest, privately owned, professional business leads organization. Since 1978, LeTip programs have helped over 120,000 members, throughout the United States and Canada, build business success through personal referrals. Their mission statement is: LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed.
For qualified guests, there is no cost to attend. For more information LeTip Silicon Valley is on [Meetup.](http://www.meetup.com/Campbell-Business-Referral-Networking-LeTip-Silicon-Valley/events/231351829/)