Nicholas Troubetzkoy and his two daughters, Anastasia and Maroussia, launched, today, their brand new ebook, Princess Alana Becomes a Bride." The title is available through Amazon KDP and it's expected to be a hit among Christian families with preschool age children thru age 8. And, it's not only for girls.
More information on the book can be found at:
This is the first children's book the father-daughter team has co-authored. Unlike many contemporary books that contain inappropriate language or aggressive behavior, the present title has the aim of helping children develop sound reading skills and expand vocabulary while learning proper upbringing. Of particular interest, a discussion section links verses in the story to scripture, providing Christian parents an unimposing alternative for introducing biblical teachings.
"Princess Alana Becomes a Bride" contains themes that include: helping the poor and the meek; obedience and honoring the wishes of parents; the value of prayer in times of need and in thanksgiving; the definition of a noble character; never seeking revenge and looking ahead in life; never giving up; and the definition of true friendship. Readers will likely find a particular interest in how a king helps his daughter, Princess Alana, determine the worthiest of ten suitors courting her. The king introduces challenges for her admirers that reveal their true characters, leaving but one at the end - one whose actions confirm that he truly loves the princess and is worthy of her hand in marriage. The book's cover art was created by renowned painter Vladislav Nagornov and the publisher is Once Upon a Time Publishing.
Of noble lineage, the authors share a personal experience through the project. They draw from a time when a father read or invented bedtime stories, on the fly, to two eager listeners considering the scarcity of acceptable, children's books. Their family background helps shape the book considering that nobility is all about proper education, faith, and service to country and family.
When asked about why they wrote the book, Nicholas Troubetzkoy said: Children love for parents to read to them at bedtime. It's when they're most receptive to new thoughts making it the ideal time for introducing Christian teaching."
The three authors have the hope that the book will contribute to restoring Christian values and teachings that were more widely taught, yesteryear, and that are much lacking in today's society, particularly, with respect to the upbringing of children. The positive objective, testifies to the authors' optimism considering the many distractions and temptations that children face in this electronic age, including information overwhelm, which leaves many children stressed and unable to get a good night's sleep.
The authors thank all of the persons who helped with the technical aspects of creating this book. They also add: We are eternally grateful to Princess Marie Troubetzkoy, who would have been very proud that her son and grandchildren have launched this publishing project. "
Those interested in learning more about the book can visit, Once Upon a Time Publishing: