[Customer Getting: Discover How to](http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CWJMRAM/) [Attract Customers Like a Magnet So You Can Prosper and Thrive](http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CWJMRAM/) by Chris Moran, an Inc 500 CEO, became the number-one Amazon Kindle Bestseller in Entrepreneurship Advertising, Online Advertising, and Small Business Advertising on March 16, 2016. The just released book details proven strategies so entrepreneurs and small business owners can easily land the best customers who are eager and ready to pay them what their products or services are really worth.
Moran, an Inc 500 CEO, is a lifelong entrepreneur whose companies have been listed on the Inc 500 ranking of America's Fast Growing Privately Held Companies three times, and he shares his formula for success in Customer Getting.
'Customer Getting' in today's ever changing marketplace continues to become more and more difficult for businesses, entrepreneurs and marketers," writes Moran. Whether your business is brick-and-mortar, online, or both, your success could hinge on your ability to keep up with the trends in your target markets buying habits and preferences. Quick adaption to the changes in the market is vital to predictable growth for you and your business. Further, the global marketplace continues to expand, reaching new markets never before accessible to most businesses. This can be good for expanding your sales opportunities, but also breeds new competition."
Any entrepreneur with a spare hour and a desire to grow their business will find an excellent read in Customer Getting. The book outlines three quick and easy techniques that will get a business owner a stampede of new clients and allow them to take their business to a whole new level of success.
Author Chris Moran is CEO of [EvergreenAutomation.com](http://evergreenautomation.com/) based in Baton Rouge, LA and a noted expert in marketing automation and dynamic response marketing. His passion is helping entrepreneurs and business owners attract, convert and retain the best, highest value clients, customers and patients.