Los Angeles, CA - Author and yoga teacher Colin Wolpert shares his experience in “Your Feet Face Forward: An Inspiring Handbook to Life” (published by Balboa Press – a division of Hay House) of his approach at healing his body with holistic medicine and yoga.
When doctors found a tumor in his spine, facing surgery, Wolpert chose to sidestep traditional medicine and instead focused on yoga, meditation and visualization. He believes that through this practice, he empowered healing that dissolved the spinal nerve tumor and was able to avoid a lifetime of pain.
Wolpert shares “in the past decades wisdom healing as an adjunct to traditional medicine has gained a lot of traction, but there are still skeptics.” He elaborates, “This book is about what I have learned from my own healing combined with the wisdom I’ve gained from teaching yoga.”
In this book, he shares his experience with foregoing traditional medicine instead adopting a holistic approach. He wishes that readers be inspired by his story and explore philosophical and holistic offerings when it comes to healing. He says, “Healing is a way of life. It’s not just about disease. The world is just starting to see this.”
About the Author
Colin Wolpert shares his healing wisdom through yoga, seminars and workshops. It is said that his radiant energy and illuminating guidance sparks change and transformation. With his unwavering faith in the process of life, he reminds us to trust that everything is as it should be. He believes that yesterday’s story can be tomorrow’s miracle.
“Your Feet Face Forward” By Colin Wolpert
Amazon: Softcover (5.5 x 8.5in), 116 pages | ISBN 9781504339278
Barnes & Noble: E-Book 116 pages | ISBN 9781504339285
Colin Wolpert
Marketing Services – Feet Face Forward
Tel: 1-844-222-9999
Email: colin(at)feetfaceforward(dot)com
Website: http://feetfaceforward.com