As reported by Canadianvisaexpert[,]( this year, Canada's Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has proposed a number of sweeping changes to Canada's immigration law. The proposed changes reflect a liberal stance on immigration, and include reforms that will provide improved resources and increased rights for immigrants coming into the country. The changes focus mainly on healthcare, more leniency with regards to immigration of immigrant family members, and improved access to education for international students. These changes, which will be put into effect this year, focus primarily on the following categories:
Improved Access to Healthcare - With these new policies, those seeking caretaking assistance for family members with mental or physical disabilities will no longer have to pay the $1,000 Labor Market Impact Assessment fee that was a former requirement for all immigrants. In the past, refugees were denied medical coverage while in the process of waiting for a decision on their case for immigration. Instead, these individuals will be provided free healthcare regardless of status.
Benefits for Families - The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa Program will increase the number of visas granted to parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens (from 5,000 to 10,000 per year). Immigrants with siblings in Canada will be granted more points on their Express Entry Application and the country will eliminate the Conditional Permanent Residence" rule, which formerly required a two year waiting period for spouses. The wait to be granted visa status will be decreased by a doubling of resources to process applications. The maximum age for dependents will increase to 22 to allow Canadians to bring their older children into the country as well.
Access to Education - Foreign students in the Canadian Experience Class Program will have easier access to achieving Canadian citizenship by removing many of the barriers put into place by former legislation. In the past, students have had difficulties meeting the physical residency requirement (formerly four out of six years), for citizenship. This will be changed to a minimum of three out of five years. The Canadian Citizenship residency time credit will be brought back and provided as well.
With these proposed sweeping changes, accompanied by a $500 million pledge by the government going towards these improvements, immigrants in Canada will be experiencing great improvements in quality of life very soon.
[Canadianvisaexpert]( works with ICCRC registered agents and legal experts to ensure a smooth process of immigration by keeping updated and making changes to their procedures in accordance with any changes to immigration law. These reforms are sure to fast-track the procedures of immigration, making the process easier for clients. Visit [Canadianvisaexpert]( to obtain more information on the current immigration programs in Canada at or contact: Pamela Seamore, Director of Marketing at +1-647-930-0901 or