With Google's move to focus on local search, Google Maps has gone from the street to inside the local business. The search engine leader is now using the panoramic 4K images stitched together, by certified Google photographers, to give a rich 3D - 360 degree tour of the inside of a business. These new tours are called "Virtual Tours", and to see if a business has one on their Google Mas page look at the lower right image caption for "See inside". A new addition to the [Virtual Tours](https://www.google.com/maps/place/James+P.+Sylvan+D.D.S./@33.9786213,-84.4377535,3a,75y,355h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqsW15fA0bdcAAAQvOYdLSA!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x88f50d80a643527b:0x61e819a79eb11958!6m1!1e1?hl=en) is Dr. James P. Sylvan D.D.S. Dentist Marietta, GA.
This is an interactive way for potential customers to engage with a place of business. The customers can take the virtual tour scrolling around an office as if from the perspective of standing inside the facility. Google trains photographers on their Street View technology, like Businessview360 who shot Dr. James P. Sylvan D.D.S.'s Virtual Tour. The images are taken from a tripod and are shot 360-degrees to give a full panoramic view. Once a shoot is finished, the photographer marks up and uploads the images, then Google renders them into a seamless tour that is attached to Google Maps.
A Virtual Tour is a great way for potential customers to see the cleanliness and quality of a place of business. Especially if one wants [crowns or bridges](https://youtu.be/D13AqARaQIo?list=PLWOqu1mN-KIzJFBuETFWl8sb3DS1apNnB) cosmetically implanted This is why [Dr. Sylvan](http://jamespsylvandds.com/) wanted to show off his Dentistry practice. He has practiced Award winning Cosmetic Dentistry for over 30 years, voted a Top Atlanta-Area Dentist, a People's Choice in Atlanta Magazine, and even as a Peer Review Dentist by other industry leading Dentists. Not to mention his 5 STAR reviews in Google from long standing customers.
As business owners consider how to impact the ever-growing web searchers, the Google Virtual Tour could be a great resource for a small business; however, as Businessview360, will say, just doing the Virtual Tour is not how to gain the most impact, they believe the Tour to be an asset, and that it should be used correctly to have the greatest effect. A small company, Capturing Clicks, has emerged as a dynamic company that has a grasp on how to get the most impact out of this new growing trend, the Virtual Tour.