According to Shark Wheel, the next generation wheel is here.
The company expressed that it recognizes the need for better wheels to have better skateboarding experience. This is why they developed, designed and created an [all-terrain skateboard wheel]( that offers a ride that is lightning fast. The makers also emphasized the ability of the innovative wheels to allow skateboarders to have better grip and more slide control, which are all important when traversing through rough terrains and rain. When asked about what they were thinking about when creating the wheels, the company said that all they want is to allow users to have a performance that is exhilarating. To know whether or not the wheels will live up to what they aim for, they themselves tried the wheels and found out that the skateboard wheels are effective in delivering a higher performance. Many users have considered Shark Wheel as the [best cruising longboard wheels.]( Shark Wheel revealed that the wheels are designed and manufactured 100% in California, United States. The company released the list of wheels choices from which interested buyers can choose what suits their preference. These include Sidewinder 70mm 78A available in 9 colors, Mako 70mm 80A available in 2 colors, Indoor Quad Skate Wheels available in 2 colors, Outdoor Quad Skate Wheels, and California roll 60mm available in 6 colors.
Shark Wheel has expressed how it takes pride in its innovative wheels such as the Sidewinder that is available in transparent green, which can look very good in pink longboard wheels. They said that aside from the better performance, it also makes the skateboard look good and fashionable. One item of this particular option costs around $69.95 in online stores. Aside from the announcement of the availability of its innovative wheels, Shark Wheel has taken a look back at its starting days. David M. Patrick, the inventor of the wheels and the Chief Technology Officer, said that they started as a small team when they founded the company in Southern California. From their humble beginnings, Patrick said that they were happy to realize the positive results of their hard work and sacrifices. As the inventor, Patrick shared, The design is the perfect intersection between a cube and a sphere. It looks like a square or cube rolling from the side/45 degree angle, but from the rear view looks like a snake or three-dimensional sine wave in motion. The Shark Wheel is a revolutionary wheel design that offers superior performance advantages. This makes the wheel great for any shark tank skateboard. In its official website, the company shared that Dr. Patrick was attempting to solve a scientific principle when he discovered Shark Wheel. The company also stated that the Shark Wheel can be utilized in many applications that necessitate a wheel. Shark Wheel wants to achieve the objective of obtaining a full spectrum of markets which could enable efficiency, maneuver through uneven surfaces and roll faster. Furthermore, skateboarding being David's passion resulted to Shark Wheel's being popular in the market due to its quality design, application and advantages.
Shark Wheel can be reached at 310 936 2436. They can be visited at 22600 Lambert St. Bldg. A, #704 Lake Forest, California.