has today released a free report titled: 12 Critical Aspects You Must Know Before Attempting Meditation To Improve Your Life". This report aims to make the audience aware of these critical aspects, in order to simplify and demystify meditation, and take it back to it its truly essential value as a natural function of the human mind. In consequence, this report also pretends to benefit the readers starting with guided meditation and improve their mindfulness skills.
The report has been made openly available and at no cost by It's available to the general public, thought leaders within the Meditation, Mindfulness, Self-Help and Education markets and anyone with an interest in how to meditate, guided meditation and meditation music, and can be found here:
The report was also written with a specific focus on meditation, how to meditate, and the benefits of meditation since Carlos Hennig, author of the report, believes In these markets theres plenty of information about meditation, but as a whole it is ambiguous: or it is too much specific to a determined school or religion, or it is too general and somehow disconnected from its essence, thus keeping the audience without a proper guide.
Meditation is a natural function or capability of our mind; at the same time it is a condition or state, and also a tool which by design our minds come equipped with. Meditation is not at all related to religion. On the contrary, traditionally religions have recognized the value of meditation to enhance and stabilize at higher levels the spiritual state of their believers, and thats why several religions have tied down meditation to their own rituals, and built their cultures on this basis."
When asked about why they released the report at this time, C. Hennig, Co-Founder at said: I believe that time has come to gather in one updated place all the available knowledge on neuroscience related to meditation and meditation itself, and hand it to the public. After all, everyone of us have a brain and very likely a life that may somehow be improved, and this may help a lot. Nowadays, research has made possible some amazing technological advances to handle the control of the brain waves, through which very deep and transforming meditation states may be achieved. This is nothing mystic but science, and it benefits the same a religious or an agnostic individual who takes meditation as a way to improve his or her life."
These 12 aspects they refer to as critical according to their experience of over twenty years participating in the development of meditation groups, are those which more likely will trigger the majority of frustrations and sticking points, especially in the early stages of the practice. Thats why they published the report and recommend its reading in order to help those middle-trained people struggling with meditation to maximize their practice, and those seekers or already beginners to set their practice in a safer mode by avoiding some common misconceptions that put a limit to their personal development.
The report also helps its readers to understand how and why the use of some modern and fully researched pieces of technology available today, is not a contradiction of traditional and genuine meditation, but they also promote a more focused and effective practice.