Bootstrap Local Marketing is pleased to announce that the company's owner, Paul Stevens of Havelock, Ontario is now listed in the "Top 25 Local Marketing Profiles" on Linkedin and also in the "Top 25 Local Business Marketing Profiles" of the online professionals social networking site.
"It certainly took me by surprise," claimed Stevens. "I was astounded to see myself come up in the number two spot, out of over 2600 professionals, for the search term 'top 25 local marketing profiles linkedin.'" Stevens has been running his local marketing service for the last five years. He has done work for clients in the Havelock, Trent HIlls, Cobourg and Port Hope areas.
The company is scheduled to run a free online marketing workshop, on February 10th, for local businesses affected by a bridge closure in Hastings, Ontario. The repairs to the bridge will take four months and force residents to take a 35 kilometer detour just to get to the other side of town. The workshop provides the basic information needed for a business to start appearing online. There is no charge for the training, but Stevens is asking for donations to help support the local historical society. Bootstrap Local Marketing has been moving into the training realm lately, with sessions teaching online marketing techniques as well as Facebook marketing for businesses.
Stevens isn't taking much notice of his showing on Linkedin. "It's certainly nice to have a moment in the spotlight like that, but who knows how long it will last. I grabbed a screenshot of it, just so I could show some of my clients, but getting real results for local small businesses in the area is more important to me than any temporary notoriety."
Stevens points to his high ranking as significant for the lesson it teaches to any business owner. "You need to periodically do an online search, using your businesses name, to see how you look to other people. That's what I was doing when I noticed my Linkedin ranking." He goes on to explain that business owners must know how their companies appear online, whether they look good or whether they show up poorly. Action is needed in either case, to take advantage or to repair any possible damage. He advises all businesses to check their online presence at least once a month.
For now, Stevens and his company are just going to enjoy the good showing, knowing it may not last. "Things move fast in the online local marketing world," says Stevens. "I am going to enjoy this for a few days, but what my focus will remain, and what it has to be, is getting results for my clients. Having a good reputation with them is all I really care about." The screenshot of Stevens' Linkedin ranking has been uploaded to Youtube [here](