Someone searching for a personal injury attorney on a major search engine, like Google, is more than likely, looking to hire an attorney--IMMEDIATELY. There are three major mistakes that personal injury attorneys must avoid if they want more clients to find them online. According to Lexus-Nexus, 60% of adults have sought an attorney at least once in their lives. And, 76% are actively searching online.
Competition for personal injury attorneys is intense and marketing budgets can be very expensive," says Thomas M. Reidy author of the new report: "Client Acquisition: Lead Generation for Attorneys."
See article [](
He further explains: "Local entrepreneurial attorneys seeking to breakout of the pack of being wallpaper in a legal directory are using Google AdWords as their primary means of rapidly generating new business. They use top-of-mind awareness keywords and the promise of immediate personal access to an attorney specializing in personal injury legal issues. Timing is critical in landing a new client."
Yet, there are some issues that could sabotage attracting clients using a Google PPC campaign:
Google AdWords places well written ads in the coveted top three slots for a lucrative keyword page. The ads are placed according to a bidding price and a predetermined run time known as a campaign. All the worry is taken out of Google changing the page rankings (at least for the life of the campaign). The advertiser is charged only when someone clicks on the ad, hence the term pay-per-click (PPC).
Attorneys using search engine optimization (SEO) submit website links, articles, citations, and even reviews of their law practice on keyword pages that are popular with potential clients. As an example, Google being the biggest, evaluates the content of the submissions and then ranks the relevancy of the content. Only the first page of a keyword search term gets people actually clicking on the law firm's offering. Further, the top three positions get the lion's share of clicks: #1 rank 42% clicks; #2 rank 12% clicks; #3 rank 8% clicks. It is very tough to rank in the top 3 positions organically (for free) very long.
Three main flaws to SEO & PPC Lead Generation for personal injury attorneys are:
First, be sure to have a high converting landing page dedicated to only personal injury litigation or one of its derivatives (e.g. medical malpractice, mesothelioma, car accident, etc.).
Second, the ads should be split tested to see which ad pulls in the most clients.
Third, develop the right metrics to reach the right audience.
To download the full free full report, "Client Acquisition: Lead Generation for Attorneys." go to: [](
For over 30 years Thomas has coached high fee sales consultants, attorneys and financial advisors. During that time, he recruited, trained and managed a startup team for a national financial services firm, going from zero to number one in the country for per-capita earnings in less than eighteen months.