Earlier today, founder Tim Baird announced his intent to register the Australian Direct Representation Party with the Australian Electoral Commission. For anyone with even a passing interest in the world of politics, this new development will be worth paying attention to, as it's set to shake things up.
In the current political system, many MP's go to Canberra with good intentions, but as cynical as it may seem to say so, Canberra has a way of making well intentioned people into 'politicians' simply in order to try and get some of their agenda into legislation. Tim Baird, makes a point of saying "things are going to change when Australian Direct Representation Party MP's go to Canberra with no agenda other than to directly represent the will of their electorate in parliament."
Tim continues... "Where small parties typically using an upper house balance of power to gain leverage for their own special agenda, ADRP members will use the balance of power to give the voters of our electorates a direct input into parliament, using mobile and web technology to let voters directly control how the MP from their electorate will vote. We do this because we are sick of our politics being dominated by infighting, character assassination, backroom dealmaking, and short term re-election focused popularism instead of policy focused, long term strategic leadership. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to voters because they'll gain a direct input into the political decision making process, and this will force politicians to put their effort into debating the merits of legislation with and for the public, rather than political manoeuvring and deal making."
Tim explained ... "The next major milestone is to get the party officially registered with the Australian Electoral Commission as an official political party. In order to do this the party needs to build it's membership to the required 550 members."
The intent to register the Australian Direct Representation Party was announced on 9 Dec 2015 with the intention of fielding candidates for the Senate in the next federal election. To find out more, the place to visit is http://ausdrp.org