Amidst a huge number of online reviews, internet marketing and traffic generation expert, Derek Pierce, has published a review of Everwebinar, which it claims "finally doesn't suck". This statement is made to support the movement for greater quality content online.
Derek Pierce makes this statement to oppose the ridiculous over-abundance of poor review sites, which seemingly publish 'propaganda' in order to make affiliate sales.
Derek Pierce, founder of []( says "We know reviews are critical to the buying process. That's why we believe reviews should be genuine and thorough. Otherwise we'd feel we missed the mark for helping the overall experience of the buyer and giving them value just from our reviews alone. So many people make reviews that don't even use the products - that's where we're different. We use the products and we add bonuses for anyone that invest through our affiliate links to make the product more complete."
It appears to Pierce, that there is a seemingly endless supply of overly positive reviews for many products. Derek Pierce believes this is due to the fact that the reviews are paid for reviews as well as the a marketers are getting a commission.. This has the drawback of lowering the integrity of online reviews.
Derek Pierce goes on to say "If a product is genuinely excellent, then a website should show how the product works, give examples, and demo it's potential use.... but if it's isn't so great, then the site should make the negative elements known so that the end consumer will be able to make a more qualified choice.. Otherwise, it just sucks."
With his online review of Everwebinar, Derek Pierce makes a point of highlighting the positive features. For example, the layout is step by step and is the easiest platform to create automated webinars. Also, it allows users to pick from the highest converting landing pages to get the best results for their advertising dollars.
Pierce says, "The big key to make this work is having the ability to generate traffic and getting leads. That's why we've included a bonus that will compliment the Everwebinar system for generating leads and getting more traffic."
Overall, Pierce ends up rating Everwebinar as one of the best automated webinar platforms to ever hit the marketplace..
Traffic Diesel's complete and unbiased write up, review and bonus of Everwebinar can be found at