A New Years treat just gave millions of Obamacare patients a few extra days to enroll in Obamacare in time for New Year's Coverage.
Officials, noticing the storm of demand for [Obamacare insurance plans](http://www.uhc.com/), decided on Tuesday night to extended the deadline for New Years coverage by 48 hours. With a plethora of phone calls left unattended at [HealthCare.gov's](https://www.healthcare.gov/) call center, government decides to extend the dates to get more people in need of coverage insured for a effective plan by January 1st. This applies to customers of both the federal exchange and Florida's state-ran health insurance marketplaces such as ezHealthMart. The current, and updated deadline is to be 11:59 p.m. PST December 17th.
The extensions guarantee that people who currently have health coverage for 2015 can continue being covered without interruption as 2016 begins. HealthCare.gov's call center is what convinced the Obamacare administrations to grant the 48 hour extension from the officials stating that "It was one of the busiest (days) ever seen on the site." Also, CEO of the Marketplace, Kevin Couniham stated "Because of the unprecedented demand and volume of consumers contacting our call center or visiting HealthCare.gov, we are extending the deadline to sign up for January 1 coverage...". He later continued, "...Hundreds of thousands have already selected plans over the last two days and approximately 1 million consumers have left their contact information to hold their place in line."
With the 48-hour grace period, an estimate 1.3 million more plans are projected to be proceeded and carried out.
There's actually two ways to apply for Obamacare health insurance in the marketplace. There's private exchange, or The Health Insurance Marketplace (the government facilitated websites). Here are a list of pros and cons for both. Here are the positives when it comes to the Private Exchanges such as ezHealthMart's website. First: consumers can buy health insurance from licensed agents, online and in person (there are many times, especially when the consumer is self employed, where they must upload multiple documents which is much better when a consumer may go to an enrollment center such as ezHealthMart's Enrollment Center's Page and have an agent do it for them), or directly from insurance companies. Second, private enrollment centers are typically staffed with licensed health insurance agents. There are more options when shopping for plans through a licensed agent. Examples are Major Medical Plans (Under the ACA, consumers who do not qualify for or want a subsidy, but who want to avoid the tax penalty, can buy major medical health plans that meet ACA coverage standards on or off of government-run state exchanges). The rest of the info on this matter may be found by clicking here on ezHealthMart's website for a quick and easy [Obamacare Sign Up](https://www.healthcare.gov/).