Local businesses are discovering alternatives for their online marketing. New mobile-friendly websites, social media & email marketing and now, interactive coupons. All this is now in a powerful new platform. It's a virtual marketing tool shed! This will give a small local business with little or no online marketing process a robust and effective online presence. It will also add to any aggressive marketer's arsenal.
Groupon led the way in the group marketing" phenomenon. In deal" marketing, local businesses such as restaurants, retailers, and service companies experience a surge of customers based upon discounts of 50% or more off their regular price. Most businesses can not cover their transactional costs at this level of discounting. This type of advertising is called Loss-Leader" marketing. It's effective in generating business activity but small businesses don't have the luxury of losing money on their sales. This marketing method has actually been the demise of many businesses.
Launched back in 2009 in the Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey region, [moderncoupon.com](http://www.moderncoupon.com/) never made the headlines but it has successfully delivered thousands of new and repeat customers to independently-owned businesses. The model is simple and it delivers a huge amount of services to businesses.
This is a powerful local business directory which leverages the power and popularity of 2 massive search criteria: Local Business Search and [Online Coupons](http://www.moderncoupon.com/). The creators of moderncoupon.com discovered there are over 40 million monthly searches online which include the word coupon". This combines with many more millions of searches for local business information. The result: moderncoupon get high rankings in the search results. This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in its purest form because the website contains the exact criteria which is being searched by the millions.
For example, when people are searching for [coupons for](http://www.moderncoupon.com/Advertisers/21/Restaurants/08033/) [restaurants in Haddonfield, NJ](http://www.moderncoupon.com/Advertisers/21/Restaurants/08033/)", the pages of moderncoupon often appear on the search results, often in the top positions and often, several times on the same page. The small businesses in the Haddonfield, NJ area who place their business information and offers here are the beneficiaries.
Each business who advertises on moderncoupon gets a full-size web page to showcase their business in unlimited details. This page can accommodate unlimited coupon offers, a link back the business' main website, video embedding, the company logo and other images.
The coupons have many features. Most significantly, they collect the name, postal code and email address of the person who chooses them. This is a legitimate opt-in process so business owner actually gets all their new customers' email contact information. The coupons are emailed instantly and simultaneously to the consumer and the business owner. Even if the consumer never redeems the coupon, the business has still quantified the interaction with the customer and has collected the contact information for their own marketing efforts.
The coupons have even more valuable functionality.
1. Businesses can add new ones, edit or delete existing ones any time. This gives them the ability to test new offers, promote seasonal discounts, closeouts, combination offers or implement a new idea the moment it strikes.
2. Set short-term or longer term expiration dates.
3.The coupons can hold unlimited text so they can go deeply into detail about product and offers. This is especially good for couponing new products or services.
Additional features of the moderncoupon toolbox are
-Built-in social sharing tools. The owners, their family members, their employees,friends and social media followers can, with a click, share a moderncoupon page with thousands of people. They can literally touch hundreds or 1000's of people in a matter of minutes right from their own moderncoupon ad.
-Professional copywriters help craft the message on advertiser's page.
-Search engine optimization experts work to make advertisers' pages show up high in search engine rankings.
-Email messages are sent out to tens of thousands of local consumers who have already opted in to receive the news of local business coupons. This drives traffic to the site and to individual advertisers' pages.
-Social media posts are sent aggressively across all major channels.
The product is priced so low, any small business can afford it. A productive and robust marketing campaign starts and $1 a day.
This internet marketing agency and small business consulting company gives this product 5 stars.