This report sifts through the available information to provide the truth behind the claims
Structured water can cure cancer!" This strap line has led many to ditch their tap water and convert to this type of H2O, usually via an expensive filtration device. Is it believable? The report Structured Water A Life-Giving Elixir, published on the website, delves through the staggering amount of conflicting claims on the subject to provide unbiased clear information to those wishing to learn the facts behind the slogans.
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It's incredible to think that the human body are made up of 99 percent water, and yet on a molecular level this is the case. This water plays a key role in the functioning of the body, but does drinking structured water made a real difference to health? The answer is yes! Structured water has a negative charge, and contains negative hydrogen ions that have proven scavenging effects against free radicals. Their antioxidant properties can protect the body from chronic illnesses such as cancer.
The alkalinity of structured water could also have beneficial effects on physical wellbeing. The link between the body's acidic modern diets and the chronic health conditions that plague society has long been established. A slightly alkaline pH balance is necessary for optimum health and eating foods that are alkaline forming can lower the risk of degenerative diseases.
Many health publications advise to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but the quality of that water is rarely mentioned. How many chemicals are lurking in tap water? Is bottled water really a better option? In addition to exploring the complex world of structured water, the report examines the social, economic and ecological impact of bottled H2O, and offers alternatives for the health and environmentally conscious consumer.
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