Hans Lienesch, known as The Ramen Rater (http://www.theramenrater.com), has been reviewing instant noodles since 2002. He reviewed around 60 up to 2010, with the rest of them since - and is closing in on 2000 different instant noodles samples, rated, and documented.
This week, he is launching two brand new lists upon the slurping universe. The first (released November 2nd) is a top ten instant noodle garnishes collection. "I abhor terms like 'pimp your ramen' or 'hack your ramen.'" says Lienesch. "They have become cliche and while some think they're cute, I certainly don't."
Among te more exotic in the list are carved squid, tau pok (also known as tofu puff) and pepper strands.
The second list, slated to post Wednesday, November 4th focuses on instant noodles that people should be able to find quite easily in the United States. "I am quite lucky to have industry contacts in many countries that send me samples, something most people don't have access to. I want this list to help those who want to try some exotic and excellent varieties, but don't have the means to travel to such places. All can be found in a local grocery, an Asian grocery, or on Amazon."
Lienesch has been featured in media throughout the world for his instant noodle exploits; mainly his annual The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time Editions. Being called upon as an expert for interviews with foreign press is quite common - Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysian news agencies often mention his list in business news.
"It's been a wild ride - from a hobby to an obsession. There's no end in sight."
To find out more, visit http://www.theramenrater.com.
Media Contact
Hans Lienesch - The Ramen Rater