A new premium .io domain brokerage site geared towards Radio and Audio Industries has just launched its line up of high end authority domain brand names created to improve online marketability. The domain brand of the .io brokerage site itself, [domainfol.io](http://domainfol.io/), appears to be cleverly crafted and could be considered to be a good case in point of its own sub-heading:
"Simple. Classic. Modern. Memorable. Easily Merchandise-able with Great Authoritative Word-of-Mouth-ability."
Joe Vecchio, the owner of the site and .io domain portfolio said this in regards to the domains:
"I believe there will be technological developments, both in terms of software and hardware, to help facilitate or that will exist in parallel to a psychological shift moving away from the norm that remains popular today. This phenomenon will position all of the domains nicely into peoples everyday lives. Put simply, I believe this collection of authority brand domains will become household name brands."
There are currently just under 100 .io domains available for purchase or leasing that range from politicsrad.io to poprad.io and bookaud.io to recordaud.io with just about everything in between. Prices are not listed and are negotiable as there is just a simple contact form to communicate about which domain(s) prospective buyers are interested in and what is envisioned for the domain(s).
The website markets the domain brand names as being able to potentially help owners stand out in the crowd as the authority leader within each niche, whether displayed within online advertising campaigns or merchandising brand awareness efforts, but does not claim any guarantees or offer any refunds. This, however, is very typical and common within the domain brokerage world and the perceived value of the domain(s) is relative to prospective buyers opinion while competition fears drive up cost.
To learn more, go to the domain brokerage site here: