Parker Waichman LLP, a national law firm that has spent many years fighting to ensure that the heroes of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are never forgotten, is commenting on study findings released by the NYPD Medical Division revealing an increased rate of cancer among 9/11 responders. The study, which reviewed the medical records of nearly 40,000 members of service employees on September 11, 2001 as active duty officers, was conducted as part of a 20-year review of cancer. According to a General Administrative Information notice dated October 7, 2015, the overall cancer rates among first responders increased about one-fold from 2002 to 2014 compared to 1995 to 2001.
The observed increases included common cancers, such as those of the colon, prostate, and female breast. These types of cancers also increased among the general population during the 2002 to 2014 period. The study also found higher rates of malignant brain tumors, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among members of service. The NYPD announcement notification notes that these types of cancers are not particularly well known to the public, and are not included in screening campaigns. Findings show that in the post-exposure years, the rate of malignant brain tumors tripled. After 2001, there was a three-fold increased risk of kidney cancer, a doubled risk of thyroid cancer, and a one-fold increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Parker Waichman comments that the findings are especially relevant in light of the fact that the VCF deadline is quickly approaching for some responders who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. According to The PBA Beat, members who were diagnosed with prostate cancer on or before October 21, 2013 must register with the Fund by October 21, 2015 to protect their eligibility to file a claim for compensation. For more information, claimants can visit or call (855) 885-1555. (
The VCF was established through the Zadroga Act, along with the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program, which provides medical treatment and monitoring to responders and survivors. These programs will expire in phases if Congress does not reauthorize the Zadroga Act. Funding for the WTC Health Program is slated to end in October 2015 and the VCF is set to expire in October 2016. The WTC Health Program monitors over 70,000 people and treats 33,000. If it is not renewed, cash reserves will be used to keep the program running into next year before it ends entirely, notes Parker Waichman.
The firm comments that Zadroga benefits are a crucial lifeline for many ailing responders. The findings of the study further support the need to permanently renew the Zadroga Act, said Matthew J. McCauley, Senior Litigation Counsel at the firm. These 9/11 heroes have suffered, and continue to suffer, from cancer and other serious medical conditions related to their service. They need and deserve benefits.
Parker Waichman actively worked toward the 2010 passage of the Zadroga Act, including taking part in lobbying efforts and trips to the nation's capital, often along with the firm's clientsother responders and survivors. The firm also was part of a large group of lobbyists who went to Washington, D.C. seeking permanent extension of the Act. The firm continues to support the Zadroga Act and remains dedicated to fighting for the rights of responders and survivors. In fact, Parker Waichman was recently involved in the Take Action tool that allows responders, survivors, and advocates the ability to review any Congresspersons' activities concerning the upcoming expiration of the James Zadroga Act. Parker Waichman assisted with the research on, and creation of, the Tool, which may be accessed at: [Renew 911 Health Organization's website](
Parker Waichman continues to fight, alongside Ground Zero first responders, survivors, and advocates, to help ensure passage of Zadroga Act amendments, and vows to continue its efforts to safeguard 9/11 heroes and ensure all of the Zadroga Act compensation deserved is received. To determine eligibility for compensation under the Act, or assistance with a claim, please visit [Parker Waichman's website]( or call 1-800-LAW-INFO (1-800-529-4636).