Earlier today, Mitechwear announced the launch of JABO Heart Smartwatch, its new product is a medical smart watch set to go live 20th October 2015. For anyone with even a passing interest in the world of Health & Wellness, this launch will be worth paying attention to, as it's set to shake things up.
The demand in providing smart watches with medical functionality is relatively high.. Competition is fierce, however JABO Heart SmartWatch delivers on functionality and accuracy.. The Founder at [Mitechwear](https://mitechwear.com), Sharon Bourne, makes a point of saying "things are going to change when JABO launches".
Sharon Bourne continues... "Where you'll always see competitors doing the same old thing, Mitechwear excels in providing a superior device that enhances personal safety and wellness for everyone.. Innovation drives progress and even more new ideas. Customers demand great products, great service, and fast delivery.. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to consumers who have medical problems associated not only with the heart, but blood pressure and blood glucose. Especially the elderly.."
Mitechwear was established in April 2013. It has been doing business for over 2 years and it has always aimed to provide quality, functional and affordable products to consumers..With innovation and uniqueness the main focus, the products selected are required to have real value to the consumer. These are not just products that are not vastly exposed in the market but are also especially checked for quality and worldwide standards..
Currently, the closest thing to JABO Heart Smartwatch is the InfraV launched in 2014., but the JABO improved on this by utilising American NeuroSky Technology ECG Biosensors Chip. This alone is predicted to make the JABO Heart smartwatch more popular with customers in the Health & wellness space, quickly.
Once again, JABO Heart Smartwatch is set to launch 20th October 2015. To find out more, the place to visit is https://mitechwear.com
For further information about Mitechwear, this can be discovered at [https://mitechwear.com](https://mitechwear.com/blog/)