Mopet Market Place has today made public unreleased facts about its Brand new product in the USA, Foxlights, a night predator deterrent that protects flocks and crops. 'Foxlights' will fascinate fans and consumers within organic farming who raise produce, poultry and livestock. These communities should find Foxlights particularly interesting.
The 4 news items include nuggets such as:
* How the idea for creating Foxlights came about. The inventor of Foxlights was raising lamb, and losing a number of babies. Foxes would come in and steal babies while the mother was giving birth to a second lamb. After creating a prototype, he found that the birth rate of babies increased from 120% of pregnant ewes to 135%. That extra 15% of lambs from 300 pregnant ewes provides $9,000 in additional income.
* This product is new in the United States. Foxlights is a night predator deterrent that protects what is being grown. "Last year every tree in the orchard was stripped of fruit, leaving nothing but pits on the ground. The problem was overcome when Foxlights were discovered while on a hunt to find a way to end night predators from entering the garden and orchard, devouring crops. After finding and installing Foxlights, this year has been a completely different story. All the trees are covered with fruit, the only thing on the ground is ripe fruit falling from the trees!" said Jeanette Haas co-founder of Mopet Market Place.
* An unusual use for Foxlights - reported by one customer: "There was a bear digging into neighborhood trash each week when it was put out on the road. After installing one Foxlights in the vicinity of the trash cans, the bear didn't come back! This was even when baiting the bear, with chicken and dog food, to see if the bear or other night predators would come into the open un-fenced area of the road." said customer Bill Payne. "The trail cam has not picked up wildlife, and the trash is undisturbed."
* Foxlights is a computerized random flashing light, driven by a 6- Volt battery. The computerized random flash causes wildlife to not become habituated to a constant flash. The 9 LED bulbs are white, red and blue. They project out 360 degrees almost 1/2 mile from the light itself. Providing almost a 1 mile radius of coverage. The light sensor causes the light to automatically come on at dusk and go off at dawn. The light appears as someone patrolling the field, or as red or blue animal eyes peering back at the wildlife. Animals don't venture close enough to discover that dinner might be available near the light! The light itself is easy to install with multiple hooks and brackets. Put it in the yard and forget about it!
Foxlights was released as part of Mopet Market Place's greater plans to help rural economies and small farms thrive. They plan to provide tools and organic non GMO products to farmers and families who share their desire to provide good healthy foods to families, without doing harm to the earth or to wildlife.
Mopet Market Place got it's start when founder Rollin Haas noticed a growing need for farmers and home gardeners to raise crops and livestock with some peace of mind. They needed to know that their investment in time, labor, plant stock and live stock will not be destroyed by wildlife. Tired of all the battles, and tired of hearing friends complain about how chickens disappeared, Rollin searched out a solution. Rollin Haas has over 30 years of experience in landscape contracting, with degrees in both horticulture and agriculture. With his prior experience raising produce, poultry and livestock, Rollin Haas decided to go ahead and start a new business, Mopet Market Place, in 2015.
Rollin Haas is quoted saying: "We do like to do things to connect with customers, like checking with each client to be sure they are getting the results they want. We guarantee their satisfaction. This is one of the ways to make all the difference for customers."
Foxlights have been around for 6 years in other countries, they are new here in the United States.. To find out more, it's possible to visit
For more facts and further information about Mopet Market Place, this can be discovered at