Justin Arndt, a 35-year-old entrepreneur and father of two children under two, has decided to put his Roth IRA information website up for sale as family commitments and pursuing an advanced degree in Information Technology have kept him from growing the business to its full potential.
"The personal finance market for websites is insanely competitive. But the payoff can be huge. Reach the first page of Google for a term like 'Roth IRA' and your profits will soar. But it just takes so much time and energy. I have gotten the site so close, but I just don't have the time to take it to the next level."
Justin plans to use the earnings from the sale to pay off what is still remaining on his student loans. He has been a stay-at-home dad and full-time internet marketer for the last several years, but decided to return to school and pursue a more stable career after finding out his wife was pregnant with their second child.
He declined to state the asking price for the site, but says he is willing to listen to any serious offers for the business.
"Just recently, the site entered the top 50 in Google for 'Roth IRA'. Someone with a bit of experience in ranking websites in competitive markets who has a decent amount of capital to invest can end up making several hundred thousand dollars from advertising alone."
"I read a quote from the director of one of the more popular auction websites where he said that it really makes a lot of sense for an entrepreneur to step back and say, 'I can get out now and hand this off to someone who can take it to the next level'. That is truly what I am looking to do. Making some money would be great, but most importantly I don't want all my effort to go to waste. I would really love to see someone else benefit from it."
According to reports from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) in Washington, Roth IRAs are truly a booming business market. EBRI's research shows that IRA balances are increasing across all ages and genders, regardless of whether the calculations are based on separate accounts or totals for individual people. EBRI also states that Roth IRAs make up an estimated 26.5% of all retirement holdings. Reportedly, there are over 15 million IRA accounts held by more than 11 million people with assets totaling just over $1 trillion.
To learn more about the website and find out more about the sale, visit https://roth-ira.net.