Parker Waichman LLP, a national law firm that has spent many years fighting to ensure that the heroes of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are never forgotten, comments that a fundraiser benefit will be held for Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act. According to an [announcement]( the advocacy group's website, The 14th Anniversary Commemoration Benefit will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. The event will be held at UFT Building, located at 52 Broadway New York, NY 10004.
Parker Waichman comments that renewing the Zadroga Act is crucial for many responders and survivors suffering from 9/11-related conditions such as chronic respiratory conditions and cancer. The Act's two programs, the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), will expire unless Congress takes action. If the Zadroga Act is not reauthorized, a number of 9/11 heroes will be left without the benefits they need and deserve," said Matthew J. McCauley, Senior Litigation Counsel at Parker Waichman. The firm continues to support extending Zadroga benefits and encourages individuals to attend the fundraiser."
Parker Waichman also continues to remain dedicated to fighting for the rights of responders and survivors. In fact, the firm was recently involved in the Take Action" tool that allows responders, survivors, and advocates the ability to review any Congressperson's activities concerning the upcoming expiration of the James Zadroga Act. Parker Waichman assisted with the research on, and creation of, the Tool, which may be accessed at: [Renew 911 Health Organization's website.](
Parker Waichman comments that many 9/11-related conditions may take years to manifest. Some responders and survivors may not even be aware that they are suffering from a condition due to 9/11," said Gary Falkowitz, Managing Attorney at Parker Waichman. Unless the Zadroga Act is extended, these individuals will lose access to critical medical care, monitoring, and compensation."
Parker Waichman continues to fight, alongside Ground Zero first responders, survivors, and advocates, to help ensure passage of Zadroga Act amendments, and vows to continue its efforts to safeguard these heroes and ensure extension of the much-deserved Zadroga Act compensation. [Please visit Parker Waichman's website]( or call 1-800-LAW-INFO (1-800-529-4636) for any questions or assistance with a claim.