Universal Medicine’s CFO Deborah Benhayon accepted the award on behalf of Universal Medicine’s founder Serge Benhayon, who was in Sydney to speak at the launch of his 8th book ‘Time.’
After winning the award Deborah commented on the issues facing the community that had informed the types of services that Universal Medicine was continually called to develop and deliver.
“People are struggling with stress, work, relationships and many aspects in their family life – this then impacts how they live and eventually it affects their health and ultimately the whole community. The end result is extra stress on health care services to ‘fix it all’ when a lot more support is required before people get to that point.”
Universal Medicine, she said, “provides a unique service” because “we complement the Medical Profession by supporting people to look at all the factors that affect their sense of wellbeing.”
Serge Benhayon , speaking from Sydney, said, “We live in an age when lifestyle related diseases are through the roof. There is often a lot of focus on curing and researching diseases, and while this is very needed, there is often not as much focus on looking at the ‘lifestyles’ that are preceding an illness or ailment.”
Non-communicable disease with preventable lifestyle-related risk factors accounted for as much as 68% of deaths in 2012, according to the World Health Organisation.
“By supporting people with the development of self-care and self-love, people naturally start to make changes to the ill behaviours that eventually lead to ill health,” he said.
If the People’s Choice Award is any indication, people are clearly seeing a benefit in Universal Medicine’s approach and demand is growing.
Today hundreds of people regularly study with Universal Medicine, with some courses being webcast to over 77 locations around the world. Yet in an average week, 80% of Serge Benhayon’s clients are not long term students of Universal Medicine but members of the general public, a ratio he maintains to ensure that the people most in need continue to have access to his services.
To further respond to the call from communities, a growing number of practitioners around Australia and abroad have also trained in his modalities to better support people by imparting a similar approach to health and wellbeing.
When asked what inspired such trust from the people who use Universal Medicine’s services, Deborah said, “we are consistently on the ball – there is never a drop in the level of service that is provided – even when we have been the targets of cyberabuse and have been attacked in the media – there has been no drop in the level of care and consistency. . . The votes have come in because of people’s trust – it is a deep trust we value and appreciate.”
Media inquiries: media@universalmedicine.com.au
More information see http://www.universalmedicine.net , https://www.universalmedicine.com.au
Serge Benhayon
Universal Medicine
15 Blue Hills Avenue, Goonellabah, NSW 2480, Australia
Ph +61 (0) 2 6624 3706
Fx: +61 (0) 2 6624 3702