Uxbridge Shooting Sports, a gun club in operation for over 50 years has faced complaints from nearby residents in the wake of its 50th anniversary celebration. Councilor Pat Molloy has been leading a forceful and malicious prosecution against the club as part of an anti-business and anti-gun campaign affecting numerous local organizations.
Skeet, trap, five stand, and other shooting sports have been taking place here long before properties began sprouting up nearby. The club is open only two days: Wednesdays and Sundays. Complaints recently went to city council which voted for restrictions to go into place within a year.
The goal was to bring noise down to 60 decibels by August 31, 2015 and less than 50 by that date in 2016. This would force the club to shut down. Once city councilor, Jacob Mantle, voted against the move on the principle the restrictions were an election year ploy. Unfortunately, he chose to pursue a law degree rather than go for re-election.
Instead, the Uxbridge club is on the verge of falling victim to unnecessary prosecution of local organizations, as the current campaign of Pat Molloy would have it.
Uxbridge Shooting Sports
Steve Malcolm
(905) 852-5907
5700 Concession 4, Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada L0A 1C0