Joe Olujic, a longtime gaming industry executive who has been hailed for his ability to identify the best possible candidate for an open position, recently detailed the unique manner in which he goes about the hiring process. In a detailed interview with the Huffington Post , Olujic explains what he looks for in a candidate and how he weighs the personal and professional skills of each potential employee he interviews. Revealing that he values some traits over others, Olujic’s hiring process is thorough and includes a number of strategies he has developed himself by relying on his years of industry experience.
“The most important aspect of the hiring process is to recognize that there is great value in individuals who clearly possess traits that reflect their outstanding character and their level of personal integrity,” says Olujic. “I will always invest in training a high-quality individual, as this is a consistently sound investment that pays significant dividends over time. When I interview prospective employees, I endeavor to focus more on their character and integrity than their relevant industry experience.”
Olujic notes that experience is certainly valuable, but that it should not always be a prerequisite for employment. When solid training practices are in place and an organization is committed to employee development, a lack of experience is easy to overcome.
In addition to focusing on character, Olujic also values individuals who are willing to speak their mind and willing to offer an opinion that is different than others. Explaining that this trait reflects intellectual confidence and an ability to think freely, Olujic also sees a benefit in considering differing viewpoints as a strategy for improving business operations.
“A difference of opinion is great for any organization because it forces you to look at your own position from a more analytical standpoint and to seriously consider other options,” says Olujic. “This will result in stronger business operations due to the fact that all the implemented strategies have been thoroughly vetted and discussed based solely on their merits.”