Personalized medical care, also known as "concierge medicine," is a new way for patients to ensure that they receive quality medical care when they need it. Dr. James R. Eells provides affordable personalized care for patients in the Las Vegas area.
Dr. James R. Eells is a physician in Las Vegas who has spent many years providing personalized medical care, also known as "concierge medicine," at an affordable price for patients. Dr. Eells offers practical and budget-friendly options for patients that are often cheaper than the required deductibles for many insurance policies.
Dr. Eells, located on the web at , has been providing concierge or personalized medical service to Las Vegas residents for many years. "My goal is to make high-quality medical care available to my patients in a way that meets their individual needs," says Dr. Eells. "Patients can often apply the cost of personalized care to their insurance deductible, making this a very affordable option for many people."
Dr. James R. Eells, located at and , offers coordination of care, easy scheduling of appointments, more thorough examinations and even house calls in some cases. The patient's annual retainer fee includes a year of top-quality medical care, including a complete physical and diagnostic workup. Focusing on every aspect of health, from preventative medical interventions to treatments for a variety of diseases, personalized care offers patients the confidence of having a doctor who has a much smaller list of patients than most primary care physicians.
For more information about Dr. Eells's practice, visit his website or visit
About Dr. James R. Eells:
James Robert Eells, M.D., graduated from the University of Nevada School of Medicine and was board certified by the American College of Physicians in 1989. He completed an internship and residency at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas in the early 90s and was board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1992. Dr. Eells was named America's Top Physician in 2009 by the Research Council of America. He specializes in Internal Medicine and Urgent Care.
For More Information:
Dr. Jim Eells
7106 Smoke Ranch Road, Suite #110
Las Vegas, NV 89128
(702) 796-3847