Two companies, found at and , are grabbing the attention of consumers across the United States. These online portals are selling unique and effective products for the elimination of halitosis (bad breath) and to maintain good oral health. According to dentists and hygienists, these products help their patients permanently control bad breath. These online portals have made it easy for people to avail the products by just a few clicks of a button. Closys Fresh Breath Oral Spray is a mist that can be used anytime and anywhere to get refreshing breath. According to Closys, the spray has the ability to kill 99% of oral germs that cause bad breath in 10 seconds. The products from Pharmaden are focused on oral health. A double blind study on people who had gum disease using Pharmadens’ Periotherapy product for only 30 days showed a significant reduction of plaque (bacteria), bleeding, and pocket depth of the gums. Plaque accumulation, bleeding gums, and a deep pocket depth between the tooth and gum all contribute to awful bad breath.
When asked, dentists say that “Patients’ gums heal and they are able to eliminate their bad breath much faster when incorporating these two products”. Dentists further add that the people they treat for bad breath have tried everything and nothing has worked for them. Because of this, dentists have gone as far as scientifically testing their patients’ level of bad breath on a machine called a Halimeter just to prove that their treatment protocol eliminated their patients bad breath. People don’t even need to go to the store to purchase these quality products; they can get these in just a few clicks from the comfort of their chair.
Closys has a unique line of very effective products such as Alcohol Free Oral Rinse, Sulphate Free Fluoride Toothpaste, and Fluoride Free Toothpaste. While Closys eliminates bad breath, Pharmaden’s products focus on the root cause. Unlike low absorbing synthetic vitamins that are in most store bought brands, Pharmaden has a line of natural high absorbing nutrients that dentists and hygienists give their patients. Pharmaden’s Periotherapy product is given to patients to help boost their immune system, their product Osteotherapy is for osteoporosis protection, and their Periocare product is used between dental checkups to help maintain good oral health.
About Closys
The website was founded in the year 1991 by Dr. Perry Ratcliff, America’s leading Periodontist. The company sells its oral care products throughout the world.
About Pharmaden
With its head office located in Florida, the company was founded in 1998 by a group of highly experienced dentists. Products can be purchased on the website, at select dental offices, or by phone.
Contact Person: Dr. Ronald Schefdore
Contact Number: (800) 910-5523
Address: 2800 Estero Boulevard #301, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931
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