America - In recent years, with the development of immunology and clarify molecular biology techniques and the antibody gene structure, the DNA recombinant technology has begun to be used in the Cancer cell line panel screening
By the introduction of famous Cancer cell line panel screening service supplier , people could easily rewrite the murine antibody by corresponding demand to eliminate the negative traits antibody applications or adding new biological functions. On the other hand, people could also use new technologies to re preparing various forms of recombinant antibody production
Frankly speaking, the Research and development of antibody drugs has entered into the third generation. Compared to the second generation monoclonal antibody, the new engineered antibody stage has the following advantages.
First, through the transformation of genetic engineering techniques, it can reduce or even eliminate the body's rejection of a strange antibody.
Secondly, by the new technology, the molecular weight is less and it may partially reduce derived of those murine antibodies. In addition, it could be more conducive to penetrate the vessel wall and penetrate the into the core part of lesion.
Thirdly, according to the demand for treatment, the new technology for recombinant antibody production will accelerate the speed for production.
Fourthly, people can use a variety of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells and plants to produce a large number of antibody molecules and then greatly reduce production costs.
About - Cancer cell line panel screening, recombinant antibody production
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