Japan Robot Association (JARA), The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd and Supported by various Japan Trade bodies, INTERNATIONAL ROBOT EXHIBITION 2015 wil take place in Tokyo - December 2nd to 5th 2015
With the robots technology showcase plan for world, The 21st Annual International Robot Exhibition (iREX), a grand robot exhibition is to be held as a joint venture of Japan Robot Association and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun in December 2015. This exhibition includes about 400 domestic robot manufacturers and related businesses and over 50 international exhibitors. Approximately, 1 million domestic participants from different fields like electronics, automotive etc. along with foreign participants certainly makes iREX 2015 an international event. The leading exhibits include industrial robots working in manufacturing industry with real manufacturing environments, robotic demonstrations, and overwhelming visitors to touch and experience the latest developments in robotic technology.
Companies who are into IoT, AI, Robots are welcome to exhibit, visit and showcase , selll, trade your products and services in japan.
For more details contact
Global Promotions Team
Contact - japandesk[at]encess.jp