USA - A number of people across the globe are not comfortable with calculations involving percentages. This free Percent Calculator is for all such users. It can be used by anyone who has basic computer knowledge. The user interface is straight forward without any complexities. Even school going children can manage it without any help.
It can be downloaded without any glitches onto a device that runs on Windows OS. It is completely free of cost. There is no need to sign up for any updates in order to use all the available features. Apart from being small in size, it works effectively with low to moderate amount of system resources.
According to website, “You may own a store or may be a shopper comparing prices online. It can be daunting to calculate percentages such as taxes, interest rates on repayments, etc. In order to make your lives simpler, we have come up with this handy Percent Calculator . It gives accurate results and removes any distress from all those who are weak with numbers. You can use it any number of times after the installation.”
To obtain more information about the software and its features, visit their website at
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The website claims that the response time of the app is impressive. All that needs to be done is to fill in a few spaces and press on the ‘calculate’ button. It is a very handy tool that works well for students, teachers, traders and anyone who has to deal with percentages. This standalone tool does not require any additional apps to be installed. The Percent Calculator should be considered by everyone.
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