ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Ann Arbor publisher and online bookstore Master & Fool LLC ( is promoting a book giveaway for one its authors, Ian A. Gray. The catch? You have to share a story about your experience either dining or serving in a restaurant.
The recently released title Why Everyone Should Wait Tables for Two Weeks is the author's "sometimes humorous and lighthearted, sometimes bitter" story of how he meandered through a service career he often resented, finally learning a secret that not only made the work, but life itself a rewarding adventure.
"This edition of the book is actually intended as a teaser for the full edition", Gray points out. "The longer edition of the book will have considerably more stories shared by others who've worked in the business, but after delaying the release for nearly a year while waiting on the submissions promised by other contributors, we got impatient, and felt rolling out the 'coffee break edition' in conjunction with a website would be an interesting way to both promote the book and collect more stories".
To receive a free copy of the book, all a visitor to the book's website ( has to do is submit a story about an experience with foodservice, from the point of view of either "the server or the served" as Gray put it. "The submission guidelines indicate that it has to be a 'good' story", Gray said, adding "but we aren't setting the literary bar too high; if we deem the story good enough to share on the site, the submitter gets a free book!"
There are a limited number of copies of the book being offered in the giveaway; see the website for the book for details.
Master & Fool LLC