Heather J. has just uploaded a new video to youtube about how to cure food addiction and control appetite .
She was dealing herself with these issues in the past, and because of it Heather was 90 pounds overweight, a size 16 and with over 40% body fat.
She realized that she was addicted to eating junk foods and sugars, and in 6 months of intense research and working with herself she has managed to cure her food addiction forever, and ever since she has never overate again. She realized that the only way to cure this food addiction is to re-program the brain of the addicted to food person, and once she manager to re-program her food addicted brain, she started to help others.
After a little while she was able to help over 1000 people stop overeating and that’s why she decided to write a book and to share it for free with all people who binge, overeat and have a real problem controlling their appetite.
Because she wanted her tips to go viral, she created a video in which she shares her story and explains how to download her ebook for FREE!
Her video was uploaded to youtube a few days ago and lots of people have downloaded the ebook. Her ebook can be downloaded for free in this video http://youtu.be/n1xhsWSdYxQ/
Another thing that makes Heather’s system to stop overeating so effective is the fact that it is also really simply. It is a 4 steps system, and she said that it works for every person in less than 21 days, while doing some easy meditation exercises.
All the women who have followed it have said that once they were cured from the food addiction, they have felt the urge to overeat. In fact they started to think like a naturally thin woman, and because of this, they all lost a lot of weight.
About us: After 3 years experience in health and fitness for women, we are dedicated to help women all over the world stop binge eating, emotional eating and overeating.
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Weightloss co.
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8971
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1xhsWSdYxQ