H J has released a new video about creating a daily caloric deficit of over 1000 calories per day as a major way for losing belly fat quickly
HJ is a regular woman from NH, but because she invested the last 4 years from her life into studying weight loss, she became a world class fitness expert who has helped over 10. 000 women world wide drop fat from their problem areas, mostly lose stomach and thigh fat.
As her most used technique for losing fat on stomach and thighs, she uses a caloric daily deficit.
So far she has tested out over 100 ways to have a daily calorie deficit and she got to the conclusion that the most effective deficit for losing thigh and belly fat is around 1000 calories per day, with a daily calorie intake of around 1200-1300 calories.
She managed to create that deficit through increasing metabolism over 2000 calories per day and doing a daily workout that burned around 300 calories. At the same time the people who wanted a deficit of 1000 calories would have to consume around 1300 calories per day, coming mostly from fresh veggies, nuts, proteins and only complex carbs.
Together with the calories deficit of 1000 calories per day, she found another 5 important things that burn belly fat like crazy. In fact she even experimented the 5 things on over 100 women and they all lost between 1 and 3 inches from their waist in 1 month.
Her video on how to create a daily caloric deficit of around 1000 calories can be watched here http://youtu.be/OQy_HEfl1RQ
About us: After having struggled with lots of health problems, because she learned how to deal with them, Heather has become a weight loss and women’s health expert. She is now dedicated to helping women all over the world lose weight, get rid of belly fat and thigh fat, and through her free health tips hundreds of women are already on their way to a better life.
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Weight loss Stories
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8972
Website: http://youtu.be/OQy_HEfl1RQ