Dialogues is yet another interesting App designed and offered by Xhavit Mustafa. The app provides different funny, interesting and entertaining ways to communicate with friends over the phone. The Dialogues App is not just an ordinary app but an app that comes with famous movie dialogues from well-known Hollywood movies and latest blockbusters such as Transformers, Captain America, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edge of Tomorrow, Evolution, Finding Nemo, Godfather and many others. The app basically comes with two features: one which allows users to pick any favorite dialogue from any movie and second to allow users to record their favorite dialogue in their own voice and share it with their friends. The recorded video can be saved onto the camera roll and can be later shared on any chat or messenger tool.
The app has a library with over 900 dialogues from over 100 movies. These days it is the smileys or emoticons that are used to make chats interesting. But this dialogue chatting will make it even more interesting and entertaining. And the recording feature is one of the most attractive features of this app. This is because users can save it in their devices and use it whenever they need it. They don’t have to record it again and again in case they want to repeat the same dialogues. Another advantage is that it is very simple to upload it onto a messenger or chat tool.
Depending upon the duration of the dialogue and the size of the file, it might take a little more time to upload but otherwise the process is fast and simple. It also gives an opportunity to the users to stay up to date with the latest movies and save themselves from the embarrassments of not knowing much about famous movie dialogues. Users can make those conversations even peppier with this Dialogues App. The app is now available on iTunes and are ready for iPads or iPhones. The app also comes with easy setting options and users would not face any problems which they change the app settings.
To download the app visit https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dialogues-fun-way-to-communicate/id957371824?l=sv&ls=1&mt=8
About Dailogues
Dialogues is a new App which basically offer fun ways to communicate with friends. The app can be downloaded from the iTunes store for free. The App is made available by Xhavit Mustafa and fulfilled by the iTunes Store.
Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dialogues-fun-way-to-communicate/id957371824?l=sv&ls=1&mt=8