USA - Though PDFs are very convenient to share information, editing them can be a problem. If one requires merging a number of PDFs into one or splitting one into a number of smaller PDFs, one can use the new PDFMerge that is now available. Using this software one can merge a number of PDFs of different sizes into one. Though this software is only helpful to merge PDFs, it is very easy to use and totally free.
This software comes with a number of convenient features. The user interface is ultra simple; there are only four options available: Add PDF File, Remove Selected, Remove All and Merge Now. Additionally, there is a field where the destination folder to which the merged PDF is to be saved, also displayed. All the PDFs that are to be merged are first queued; before the merging starts, users have the option to move the files up and down and place them as per their preference. Another aspect that is very helpful to the users is the speed at which the merging is carried out, which is very quick. Though more files to be merged take more time, the time taken for completion is very quick.
Though the user interface is so simple that it doesn’t require any Help or instructions file, the software’s webpage has instructions to make using the software simple. Just like any freeware, the PDFMerge software also comes with adware but these are only optional. Hence, if users don’t want the freeware all one has to do is simply uncheck them. All in all, this software is useful, easy to download and use and does the job quickly.
About PDFMerge
This software is useful to merge a number of PDFs into one, quickly and easily.
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