USA - If one has to get a driving license, one has to pass theory as well as practical driving test. To be able to answer the questions that will be asked in theory, practice is very important. To help aspirants practice for their theory, this website is providing Driving Theory Practice Test, which can be downloaded by anybody, free of charge.
This software comes with a simple and easy to understand user interface. There are in total 293 questions available and are grouped under 9 subjects. The user has a sum total of 293 minutes to answer all the questions, which means that a maximum of 1 minute is provided for each question. In the top corner the available time is displayed as count down so that the user knows how much time is left to answer a particular question. Each question has four options, which are displayed below the question. Users have to just mark the answer they feel is appropriate and move to the next question. The user also has the option to leave a question without answering and move on to the next.
Once the test is complete, the score summary with answers is provided. All the answers that are left unmarked are separately shown as “Not Attempted”. While answering the questions, hints are also provided to make answering the questions easy. Thus, the Driving Theory Practice Test is an ideal way to get oneself prepared for the real test, right at home and since this is a free app, one doesn’t have to spend any money for using it too.
About Driving Theory Practice Test
This software is free, easy to download, comes with an easy user interface thus making it easy to use. Using this app is a simple and easy way to practice for driving test, right at home.
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