The sector of Internet domains is experiencing a revolution with the launch throughout 2014 and 2015 over 1,000 new extensions that provide great business opportunities. It is generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) as .club, .juegos, .red, .Travelling, .email, .futbol, .website and many other endings that allow to register domain names with great commercial potential. The new extensions and the latest industry domains will be the main attraction on Domaining 2015 . It is the 7th. edition of Europe's largest conference dedicated to this industry, to be held at the Hotel Sorolla Palace in Valencia from 23 to 25 April.
The global market for Internet domains is passing through a crucial time. The economic crisis has contained prices, but has not prevented the number of registries to grow from 128 million domains in 2007 to over 284 million today. The "exhaustion" of traditional domain extensions such as the famous ".com", has made the most sought after domain names reach astronomical prices. In 2014 millions of domains as (4.8 million) or (3.1 million) purchases were closed.
To the 400 new domain extensions launched in 2014 we can add hundreds of new aditions in 2015 (as .band, .space, .world or .rip) to totalize more than 1,000 extensions at the end of this year. The pace is frenetic: every week the regulator ICANN authorized between 5 and 15 new extensions that can be recorded, from a list of 1,930 requests that are pending approval. This provides opportunities for professionals (called "domainers") that are able to identify and register the best domains with new extensions.
The new domains will be the “staring” topic of many of the sessions and workshops at Domaining 2015 conference. The meeting will bring together more than 150 domainers and 20 of the greatest experts in domains sector from around the world among them:
- Representatives of ICANN, the highest authority of the domain industry.
- Prestigious Attorneys, experts in negotiating Internet domains.
- Registrars, companies marketing new domain extensions.
- Experts in marketing and SEO, specialists on valuating domain.
In addition to new domain extensions in Domaining 2015 , we will also discuss the latest developments in registration, evaluation, negotiation and selling domains, along with other aspects such as the need for personal and professional networks. But undoubtedly the main attraction of the conference is to have the chance to talk face to face with the best professionals and even close some purchases of domains.
"When in the 90s began marketing the .com for just $ 70, many investors snapped up the possibility of great revaluation" explains Dietmar Stefitz, organizer of Domaining 2015. "They now have the opportunity to join the bandwagon of thousands of new domains and this conference offers the ideal environment for networking, and why not close some business agreements. No professional domainer can miss this event! "
The Domaining 2015 Conference will be held from 23 to 25 April at the Sorolla Palace Hotel, located in the center of Valencia, and in addition to the working sessions it includes a program of leisure activities and networking.
For more information and registration, visit
About Domaining
Domaining is the largest European event dedicated to Internet domains. It has seven editions, gathers the best domainers and investors in the world with experts, representatives of organizations and registrars companies for knowledge sharing and networking.
Press contact
Dietmar Stefitz
Tel: (00 34) 656 852 447
Valencia, Spain