Those who are preparing for GED tests can have stronger confidence now because the GED Practice Test is available for them. This desktop application has been launched by Practice Test Free. If these candidates pass this test in which there are five subjects, they will be certified as possessing American or Canadian high school-level academic skills.
Similar to a real GED test, this GED Practice Test application comes as a five-subject app. So, users can select all the five subjects for practicing or they can practice only those subjects they want. The time allotted for the practice exams will be the same as that of a real test and hence, candidates can train themselves optimally. They can answer the questions in the practice exams by clicking "Mark as Answer." After answering one question, they can proceed to the subsequent questions.
Once they complete the practice exams, a window will appear with the right answers and so, candidates can compare the answers they have marked as right with the correct answers. The final scores of the practice exams they have taken will also be shown to them.
Candidates have the option of leaving those questions unanswered if they are not sure of the right answers for them. The final list will show these questions as "Not Attempted." Since the application is very simple, it is ideal for taking practice exams. The app does not require any settings.
The app that is available free of cost comes with an easy to use interface. To summarize, the GED Practice Test is an ideal application for those who wish to practice well for their GED test. If they use the app in the right manner, they can certainly clear the test in flying colors and will be certified as having acquired the American or Canadian high school-level academic skills.
About The GED Practice Test
The GED Practice Test is a desktop application that can help candidates practice for their GED tests. The app comes free of cost and the interface of the app is quite simple as well. Candidates can choose to practice all the five subjects or they can choose only those subjects they like.
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