With 7 or 8 out of 10 American households burning candles, this makes candles a very popular product for scentscaping a home. The four traits most affecting candle sales is scent, color, shape and cost. Candles continue to be appropriate gift items for any occasion, and appreciated by both men and women.
Whether the candle is purchased from a large company, or a quality jar soy candle made from home, candles still inspire home decor focal points and contribute to the mood one is trying to create in the home.
New colors that will be ‘trendy’ for 2015 are tropical inspired blues such as marine blue and deep, true royal blues. Pastels will be strong when they are presented with small pops of vivid colors. Some retro shades that will be making a comeback will be burnt orange and gold shades, along with bubble gum type pink tones. In the neutral color palette, olive green and softer grays will be a hit.
When to comes to fragrance, the tropics will again inspire with tropical fruits, rainforest and floral scents. Think of fresh salty sea breezes and the green forests. Fragrance is the number one buying factor for a candle, making this a key point to take note of. Rose, berries and leather notes will also be popular in 2015.
People use candles to create ambiance, whether that is to inspire a cozy feel, romantic or other type of mood. Statistics reveal that 90% of candle purchases are made by women.
Author Amber Richards has written a book that can purchased How to Make A Great Soy Jar Candle. The book is designed for beginners wanting to learn to make their own jar soy candles, written by someone who owned and operated a candle business. The book can be purchased by visiting the website here: http://jarsoycandles.com/
Richards shares tips and experiences with readers. “With candles being so popular, many people desire to learn how to make their own at home as a hobby for their personal use and for gift giving purposes”, states Richards.
National Candle Month was quoted as saying, “Candles are an excellent gift and are a great way to tell someone that you care. Both men and women agree that candles are an always-acceptable and appreciated gift. The wide variety candles in the market make it easy to find the right candle gift for almost anyone. We can always rely on a candle as a gift to be found in a price range we can afford. You have many choices when giving candles as gifts.”
References: Sources for color predictions were from Pantone’s 2015 trend preview, Dubai Chronicle’s interior color predictions and House Beautiful’s color trends, Statistics were from National Candle Association. Nature’s Garden and Seven Scents also referenced in scent predictions.
Media Contact: Amber Richards
Address: PO Box 3445, Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 3606101133
Email: amber.richards24@yahoo.com