Heather Jameson has just released a new website about how women can lose weight fast by thinking as naturally thin women think about foods and eating.
Heather was overweight a few years ago, and after having lost over 70 pounds of fat, she had dedicated her life to studying weight loss and helping other women lose weight. She created over 100 youtube videos and has over 30.000 women who are subscribed to her newsletter, and in the past 2 years she has helped over 10.000 women worldwide lose at least 10 pounds.
She spent the last year analyzing and interviewing naturally thin women, and her finding are simply amazing. She realized that naturally thin women think differently about food and eating, that they almost never have cravings; they only eat when they are hungry…
On the other hand, overweight women, the ones that write her daily and ask for her help, eat even when they are not hungry, and 2-3 times per week, they binge and overeat their favorite foods.
She has come to the conclusion that any woman, no matter how overweight she is, can lose weight fast and easily just thinking the way a naturally thin woman thinks and she found an easy way to help them start thinking as a naturally thin woman does.
Heather has created a set of 3 articles on her website in which she explain this process and she said that the women who will read her articles will simply change their life and will lose weight easier than ever before because they will simply be without cravings.
Her first article can be read on this website: http://yourfatlossanswer.com/
About us:
After 3 years experience in health and fitness for women, we are dedicated to help women all over the world get in shape and lose weight fast by re-wiring their addicted to food brain.
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Fatloss and More inc.
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8971
Website: http://yourfatlossanswer.com/