London, UK – Computer software developers Apt Projects Ltd say that they are confident that they have a strong case to overcome Apple Inc’s opposition to their trademark application for their TCM Big App Store and that their new on-line store will have at least four floors open to the public by Christmas.
Tony Rust, Managing Director of Apt says ‘We’ve lost over two month’s progress because of the Apple Inc objection to our Trademark application for TCM Big App Store and our need to investigate what is involved in making our case in support of our application. We’re confident that we have a strong case to put to the Trade Mark tribunal when that time comes but we must now get back to building our business.
Our campaign to find investors has been on hold because of the trade mark threat from Apple but I’m pleased to announce that amongst other new investors we have received an investment of £1,800.00 from Age Concern Okehampton and Torridge. They are a busy UK charity who are active in the community in providing assistance, support and welfare to old and young alike. They have been users of our TCM advanced business management system since 2002.“
Barrie Duke, Chief Officer of Age Concern Okehampton and Torridge says, “TCM has helped this charity reduce its’ administration costs by 25% and enabled it to develop its services by efficiently recording contacts, producing detailed reports and statistics and by tackling larger programmes of work and research. The call centre work is growing as we efficiently and speedily handle complex requests for help. The Reference Section holds all policies and procedures. Staff and volunteers can access them online from home or any web connection.
It is no exaggeration to say that we would never have survived without this software which is able to grow as we do. It gives us confidence to work with national organisations who often struggle with more expensive systems of management.
The support is excellent and we are never left without help to ensure that we can manage our development in an ever changing society.
We are happy to support Apt Projects and their new TCM Big App Store and hope that more charities will adopt TCM and benefit as we have. The investment proposal and the special investor rewards that Apt have made to us make it a very sensible investment for us.”
Tony Rust explained, “Our TCM Big Store is almost at the point of launching but we need the funding in order to recruit and train new staff in advance of opening in order that we can offer high levels of support to our Developers and Customers. Our TCM Big App business solutions for all types of businesses will sell at very competitive and compelling price points and we anticipate a big take up by the business communities in all of the English speaking market places where the TCM Big App Store will be promoted. We’re at the end of a twenty year journey and we need the funding for one last push to gear up get things right for the opening.”
About Apt Projects Ltd.
Apt Projects Limited was incorporated in 1991 and their customer list includes the European Commission and the National Health Service as well as small and medium sized companies. They began work on their TCM Advanced Business Management product in 1994 and over the past year and a half have been converting it for use as a software development kit.
Apt Projects Crowdfunding
Apt Projects currently have their pitch on Venture Giant and are inviting investment from interested parties. Their target is £200,000 of which just under £190,000 remains to be funded.
Their Investor Video succinctly describes their pitch
About the trademark dispute with Apple Inc
Apple has the UK and EU trademarks for ‘App Store’ and claim that the public could be confused between their App Store and the TCM Big App Store. Apt Projects say that the TCM Big App Store does not sell phone apps, it sells TCM Big Apps which are for use on PCs and Servers and which have been developed using their TCM software development kit. They also say that their zany, quirky branding is completely different from Apple’s App Store branding.
About TCM Big Apps
TCM Big Apps are business management software solutions designed for specific types of businesses which run on PCs or server networks. They make life easier by simplifying and automating many of the clerical tasks which are a drag on productivity. TCM Big Apps are full of clever time saving and easy to use functions which remove work from the user and provide great reports. Examples would be CRM and sales force automation, or a system for a sports club or equipment hire, or tradesman type businesses – plumbers, heating engineers and the like.
About TCM Big App Store
The TCM Big App Store is the only virtual on line 12 floor, 7 acre 700 counter department store. It has lifts and escalators and stairs to move you from floor to floor; Cookery and Sports Demonstration Areas, a pet shop with a rhinoceros and fish racing… it’s a zany marketing approach and we invite additions to the Story of the Store which records the history of this virtual building which has the address ‘Kingsbridge, Central London’.
Contact: Tony Rust
Telephone: 01427 875103