Danville, Calif. — FUNDaFIELD.org is holding a Crowdrise fundraiser ( www.HOMEbyTHEholidays.com ) to raise money to help Ugandan refugees relocate before their internally displaced person camp is destroyed in December.
Thirty-one women and 198 child refugees in Uganda will lose their current IDP camp site in December, when their place of shelter is scheduled to be bulldozed. To assist in relocating these refugees to a safe home in Northern Uganda and to provide for their short-term needs, 16-year-old Kira Weiss of FUNDaFIELD.org in Danville, Calif., has created a fundraiser at www.HOMEbyTHEholidays.com . Kira first met the women in 2010 when she began purchasing the paper bead jewelry they crafted to sell in the United States as a fundraiser. www.PAPERbeadsFROMafrica.com
These women were among thousands who fled their villages in Northern Uganda in 1991 to escape Joseph Kony’s rebel war. At the time, these refugees were only young girls with no money, no home and no family. They traveled on foot, about 400 kilometers, from Northern Uganda to Kireka and eventually ended up at Acholi Quarter, an IDP camp filled with refugees with similar stories of devastation.
The IDP camp’s land in Acholi Quarter has now been sold, and the refugees need to find new homes. Now that Joseph Kony has left the area, they hope to return to the homes in Northern Uganda that they were forced to escape from years ago.
Unfortunately, the women do not have the means to relocate and require help to get them home by the holidays.
“We need to transport 229 refugees and to temporarily provide for their basic needs in order to give them the fresh start they deserve,” Kira said. “Just as you and I didn’t choose the world we were born into, they didn’t either. We have the opportunity to give them a chance at the future they deserve.”
“It is easy to help these innocent women and children of Uganda beat the bulldozers and find new homes before the December deadline if we all share a little of the good fortune we have.”
The cost to relocate 229 people and provide temporary support is $28,000 for “basics” or $43,000 to include “luxuries” which provide a drinking water well and school lunches. That breaks down to $188 per person — that’s only $752 for a family of four.
You can support these women and children by donating at www.HOMEbyTHEholidays.com or by creating a “Beat the Bulldozer “ Crowdrise team (click the FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN icon to set up your team) and by using your social media skills to spread the word to everyone you know!
For more information please visit: www.HOMEbyTHEholidays.com , www.FUNDaFIELD.org or http://www.PAPERbeadsFROMafrica.com
FUNDaFIELD is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization run by students and dedicated to enriching the lives of less fortunate kids in the developing world through sports. FUNDaFIELD utilizes the therapeutic power of sports to support the rehabilitation and recovery process in post-conflict and post-trauma regions around the world, working with local communities to provide soccer fields, soccer equipment and to host soccer tournaments.
Contact: Kira Weiss
Address: Danvlle, California USA
Phone: 925.818.0875
Email: Kira@FUNDaFIELD.org