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LG Nexus 5 Feature
Slimmer, lighter design. Nexus 5 is precision-built from strong materials, and the intelligently simple design showcases more of what matters to you. At only 4.59 oz and 8.59 mm thin, it's the most powerful Nexus phone yet.
Speed and power to spare. With 4G/LTE and ultra-fast Wi-Fi, Nexus 5 keeps you connected at blazing speeds. Add in the cutting-edge 2.26GHz Qualcomm SnapdragonTM 800 processor and you'll race through games, zip around the web and switch between apps at the flick of a finger.
Stunning 5" display. More room to do what you do, and better colors too. Nexus 5 gives you a Full HD display so you can see every detail in lifelike color with less glare and a wider viewing angle-the perfect canvas for your moments.
Powered by Android 4.4, KitKat. Android is fast and powerful yet simple to use. Focus on getting stuff done without having to think about the technology underneath.
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