H. j. Has has just released a new video about how to lose 20 pounds by eating mostly raw veggies. In this video she explains why eating raw veggies is a great way to lose weight fast and what veggies have the best effect for weight loss.
As one of the keys to lose weight fast is to have most of the diet and the carbs from fresh vegetables, HJ wanted to know exactly if losing 20 pounds can be done simply by eating a diet based on raw veggies. She thought that if something like this happens all women who want to lose 20 pounds can follow his new diet plan and get to the weight they wanted without having to struggle in the gym or starve. Her video can be watched in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhLqVOMRQoU
So, he asked 20 women who are subscribed to her mailing list and wanted to lose weight to follow a meal plan she has personally created and which is based mostly on fresh veggies.
The women ate oat seeds with Greek yogurt for Breakfast, mostly fresh fruits and salads. The sources of carbohydrates for them were, broccoli, oat seeds, grilled eggplant and zucchini and other fresh vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage and onions who were eaten as salad.
For protein sources, the women ate, boiled white eggs, grilled chicken and turkey, and broiled salmon.
The source of fat was mostly olive oil. In total the women ate about 1700 calories per day and the only exercise they did or 1 month was lifting weights for 40 minutes, 3 times per week. They worked out their lower body mostly, and did a few exercises for arms and shoulders.
At the end of the month, HJ emailed her subscribers and was so happy to hear that 7 of them have lost 20 pounds even though they were always full and never hungry. All the other women have lost weight, the one who lost the least, was Jessica from New York, who lost only 11 pounds in that month.
At the end of the video, she speaks about another great video of hers, in which she details the exact routine to follow for 30 days for losing 20 pounds of fat.
For all the women who are interested in getting that routine for free, and lose 20 pounds easily and fast, they can watch the video in this url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIi46hh6id4
About us:
After having struggled with lots of health problems, because she learned how to deal with them, Heather has become a weight loss and women’s health expert. She is now dedicated to helping women all over the world lose weight and get healthy, and through her free health tips hundreds of women are already on their way to a better life.
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Weight loss Stories
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8972
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIi46hh6id4