ORLANDO, FL — Author Dan Abelow is concerned about the future of humanity and the planet. His new e-book, Imagine a New Future: Creating Greatness for All proposes a new relationship between advancing technology and the ability for every person to achieve greatness. “With new technology, could we become a Digital Earth that helps everyone succeed and prosper while working together? How can we become a successful world where greatness is normal?” asks Abelow.
A rare Free Book Giveaway is being held on June 11th through 13th on the author’s website at ImagineANewFuture.com/free/ Anyone can visit and download the eBook in the formats they want including Kindle, ePub (Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, etc.), iBooks (Apple), and PDF (laptop, desktop or tablet). This eBook is not copy-protected, so this unique advance for building a more positive future can be shared for free with friends and colleagues.
Download this free eBook now: http://imagineanewfuture.com/free/
Imagine a New Future builds on new Expandiverse Technology that has been in confidential development for years. The book’s chapters each add another digital technology advance. Numerous examples show how a digital planet will decisively alter the declining future we expect — so individuals, societies and economies can surpass their limits and rise to the world’s best combined abilities.
The Expandiverse is new technology to build an advanced Digital Earth today. It introduces a unique way to think about technology in the future. Today’s tech is producing a barbell-shaped society that pushes the middle class out of good jobs and forces more people to the bottom, while wealth is moved to the top. Instead, Expandiverse Tech is designed to enable a fully digital planet that helps everyone thrive by moving all people to the top of our combined abilities. This provides a new path to the prosperous future we expect from rapidly advancing technology, with the world’s best resources serving everyone individually — rather than a future that replaces people with technology.
This different kind of future continuously delivers new personalized opportunities as humanity’s combined abilities grow. It’s designed to radically expand how much we each gain from an “advancing technology platform” as we interact with all our screens throughout our daily lives.
“One day humanity will achieve greatness,”Abelow says. “Can we use today’s building of a Digital Earth to achieve that now? Are we the generation who will build the breakthroughs that deliver new ways for everyone to reach greatness?”
Imagine a New Future: Creating Greatness for All can be downloaded for free on June 11th through 13th at http://imagineanewfuture.com/free/
About Dan Abelow:
Dan Abelow is an author and inventor whose previous patents have been licensed by over 500 corporations that include Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung Electronics. He is dedicated to new thinking on how to deliver universal success on our rapidly arriving Digital Earth, so we can transform our lives and our future.
Dan Abelow
Email: dan@expandiverse.com
Book website: http://imagineanewfuture.com/
Technology website: http://expandiverse.com/
Twitter: @danabelow
Phone: (407) 786-7422