Lewis Cave is an excellent writer who loves to write short stories and thought-provoking flash fiction. With the love and passion of writing, Lewis built a website for his stories which will be creating sounds of joy for many readers. Often, visitors have trouble reading just a few stories they always want more. Lewis Cave – The Words I Write is a website that offers lots of fictional stories ranging from murder mysteries to comedy or humor. Accessing this website is just a click away; there is no registration or signup process, just reading and laughing.
Humor and entertainment are not the only passions at lewiscave.com, it is also important for Lewis that his stories touch the lives of people from many parts of the globe. These stories are humorous lessons from life’s smorgasbord of difficulties, without this the entire story or writing would be inadequate. Many of the things that men and women encounter during their daily struggles are woven into the fabric of each story. As one reader put it, “Lewis’s stories are entertaining slices of life.” Of course readers are free to share their stories and comments on the website and feedback always is encouraged.
Lewis Cave also offers a tutorial on humor writing. In a time when everyone communicates on their blogs, email and Facebook the ability to engage your audience with humor is a great advantage. One should bear in mind that the humors to be put in their stories should be well stated to avoid confusion and misinterpretations. This and much more is laid out in his section on How to Write Comedy. Lewis Cave’s website has been a favorite of readers looking for short stories and flash fiction to entertain themselves. Originality of the written compositions is highly regarded to ensure that the readers of their stories are satisfied.
For more information about Lewis Cave- The Words I Write and the How to Write Comedy segment, please feel free to visit the website http://lewiscave.com/how-to-write-comedy/
If you need further information contact Lewis at: lwcaveman@gmail.com