Brisbane, Australia — Any business trying to attract customers online faces an incredible challenge: making themselves stand out from the crowd in an increasingly flooded market. Through the internet customers shop from sites all over the world, and for companies that means they are not just competing at the local level, they are competing globally. Vivogroup is a digital strategy firm that provides all of the services that companies need in order to stay visible to consumers and attract more traffic, all through the use of a comprehensive web strategy.
Over the last several years Vivogroup has been winning multiple awards and recognition for the sites that they have created, including four “Best In Class” awards from the Interactive Media Awards in 2013. The reason sites from Vivogroup are so highly thought of is the care that goes in to the design of the site, from the first sketches, to the final posting, as well as the back end support that ensures the client’s site is running optimally while the site is live.
In 2014 Vivogroup expects to continue their award winning ways, even expanding in to other areas of online digital support. The company began offering mobile app development, as well as social media marketing, to their clients in 2013 and the results have been extraordinary, especially when coupled with other online marketing strategies. Clients enjoy dealing with a singular provider for their online needs, and the quality of the work has helped to give the end user a much richer experience, and increase the return on investment that clients see.
To see examples of Vivogroup’s award winning sites, visitors can go to and follow the links to the portfolio pages. Just a quick glance through the work that Vivogroup has already done should show visitors why Vivogroup will continue to be a threat to win website design awards this year.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit or call 07 3257 3418.