VADODARA, India -- The petite model and travel show host, Elisha Kriis is a famous name in Bollywood. The model recently made her debut in Bollywood with a movie named "Wake Up India", a political satire which focused on the Indian political scenarios. The actress has now launched her own production house which will make films based on renowned Indian women, who with their courage and good deeds have inspired many lives today. She will make Hollywood films, with Indian women as her basic topic.
In a recent interview, Elisha poured her heart out about her new venture and how she will play the lead role in it. Talking about her excitement she said that she feels on top of the world. She said, "It's a huge moment and I feel on top of the world right now. But it's not going to be an easy journey, and there is a lot of work to be done. I have been working really hard to prepare for my lead role. For instance, I am undergoing extensive training in armed and unarmed combat scenes under Gregory Hoffman, one of the leading theatrical sword experts in the world, who has worked with several top actors in Hollywood. I want to give this role all that I have".
Elisha has done several theater roles in school and also has done an acting course from one of Mumbai’s prestigious acting schools. Hopefully, all these things will help her manage her new production house better. Her main aim is to change the outlook of people in the western countries about Indian Women and India, today.
Read for more details about this model turned actress Elisha Kriis at