Louisville – Books, Authors, and Artists (BAA) has made available a preview of their latest title, Fast Escape by author Bonnie W. Vause, on the CreateSpace website. Fast Escape is a suspense/thriller with a Southern flair that will be launched as a paperback on 2nd April using Amazon’s printing company, CreateSpace.
The independent publisher has decided to make use of the preview feature recently launched by CreateSpace to offer a lengthy extract of Fast Escape to potential readers. This has partly been motivated by the welcome question and answer, along with rating features that CreateSpace integrated in their preview system. Readers are encouraged to rate the preview out of five stars, and may provide more detailed feedback.
Astrid Gay, book publicist for BAA, says, “We hope that readers will like the story enough to tell us what they think about it. It’s always nice to read what our audience enjoys, and it provides valuable feedback to the author as well. Hopefully, many will take advantage.”
The first book in The Davenport Saga, Fast Escape, tells the story of Elizabeth Davenport as she confronts repressed memories and long-held, deadly secrets after returning to her hometown. The story mixes elements of suspense and thriller and will leave readers delighted by the many twists and turns.
Author Bonnie W. Vause joined the BAA authors group a few months ago. She has already released a video interview to help promote this title, and has book signings scheduled. She is working on the second book of the saga, Winter Vacation, which BAA anticipates publishing in the fall of this year
Readers may purchase the paperback directly from CreateSpace on 2nd April. Fast Escape will be available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook (ASIN: B00IV5FFTM) on 4th April.
About Bonnie W. Vause, Ed. D.
Dr. Bonnie Vause was born in Smithfield, North Carolina a stereotypical “mill town.” She resides with her husband of thirty-eight years near Raleigh, NC. She earned an M. Ed. from East Carolina University, and then an Ed. D. from Walden University. She has been a teacher for over twenty years and finds great satisfaction in working with special needs students.
For more information, please visit her website at http://www.bonnievause.com or visit her Facebook fanpage at http://facebook.com/bonnievausebooks
About Books, Authors, and Artists
Books, Authors, And Artists is the publishing division of internet marketing KY, LLC. It specializes in book publication by enhancing the public awareness of selected authors, both new and previously published. Additionally, visual artists who participate by creating graphics and artwork are featured.
For more information, please contact Astrid Gay, book publicist, via email at astrid@booksauthorsandartists.com . You can also visit the website at http://www.BooksAuthorsAndArtists.com
Astrid Gay
Books, Authors, and Artists
Louisville, KY 40204, USA