MUMBAI, India --
The Sales Skills and Personality Profiler (SSaPP) is a tool designed to gain insights into every sales person's unique profile. It is a comprehensive instrument that profiles the individual on various personality traits, behaviours and aptitudes critical for success in the area of sales.
The Managerial Skills Profiler is a psychometric instrument that helps profile an employee's skills pertaining to his or her ability to perform a managerial role. The test focuses on those interpersonal, intra personal and professional skills that are critical for success as a manager across industries, sectors, organisations and job profiles.
Taken together, the SMP will help you decide which of your sales guys are the best suited for a sales manager's position. Further, it will help you identify the strengths of the sales managers, as well as understand their development areas.
Both the tests are standardised on a normal population, and the scores are presented in the form of percentile ranks, ranging from 0-100.The higher your percentile rank, higher is your skill.